- Created by: 14samuel.mclaughlin
- Created on: 09-07-18 14:12
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- Stakeholders
- customers
- Wants to see the business continue in operation. For example daily needs.
- However they might look for great prices and service.
- Owners
- Owners for the business are not the same. Sole traders, there's only one owner who would work in the business.
- Employees have a clear interest in the business where they work.
- They will look upon work to provide them some security for the future, the manager and workers have every interest in keeping the business going.
- Employees have a clear interest in the business where they work.
- The same with partnerships, they work in business as well in case of limited companies, shareholders, and the owner of the business.
- Owners for the business are not the same. Sole traders, there's only one owner who would work in the business.
- Untitled
- Stakeholders can be an individual or groups of people who have an interest in a business.
- customers
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