Sports England
- Created by: STUDENT2000
- Created on: 17-12-14 18:00
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- Sport England
- Distribution of money
- To improve facilities
- Given to national bodies
- PE in schools
- Facilities
- Iconic facilities
- Multisport facilities
- To get high participation
- Multisport facilities
- Inspired facilities
- Local clubs refurbish their facilities
- Protecting playing fields
- Iconic facilities
- Measuring participation and identifying priority groups
- Why people play/stop
- What keeps them doing it
- Sport behaviour
- What works
- Active sport survey
- How many participate in sport
- Data is given to the local authority to improve facilities
- What sports they do
- Data is given to the local authority to improve facilities
- How sport varies across England
- Who they are
- How many participate in sport
- Sports satisfaction survey
- Why people play sport
- What impacts the level of satisfaction
- The more satisfied people are the more sport they will play
- Distribution of money
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