- Created by: Katie Beaumont
- Created on: 05-01-17 10:33
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- This was established in 1648 by the Peace Treaty of Westphalia.
- Distinguishing feature of the state system.
- This ended the 30 Year War throughout Europe.
- Sovereign Jurisdiction is independent control over what happens in territories.
- Relations between and amongst states are structured by the acceptance of the sovereign independence of all states.
- The Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of States in 1933, defined the 4 QUALITIES of a state.
- A defined TERRITORY
- An effective GOVT
- The capacity to enter into relations with other states.
- Sovereignty has changed due to new concepts.
- Economic
- Pooled
- Jean Bodin was the first major theorist who defined sovereignty.
- Definition: 'the absolute and perpetual power of common wealth', which is the only guarantee of stability with sovereign state.
- He stated that without a sovereign ruler 'life would be solitary, nasty, brutish and short' (Humans are self seeking).
- This was established in 1648 by the Peace Treaty of Westphalia.
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