Southern California Inequality
- Created by: Liberty
- Created on: 13-01-14 15:33
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- Southern California
- Skid Row
- Homeless people
- Sidewalks lined with trolleys, cardboard boxes and tents
- up until 1980's could sell blood - HIV
- Downtown Los Angeles
- Pico-Union
- Occupied by immigrants
- 85% of population is Latin
- More Spanish speaking people in LA than Madrid
- Lots of travel agents
- Signs saying to send your money back home
- No chain stores
- South Central
- Large black community
- Young population
- Large gang culture
- Lots of recycling centres
- Surfurbia
- Santa Monica
- Sun, sea, sand, surf
- Suburbia
- Long, thin stretch of homes following the coastline
- Climategood for 10 months
- TheFoothills
- Beverly Hills
- Privacy - famous people
- Higher up the hill - wealthier the residents
- Narrow roads winding up the hills lined by huge houses
- Dry season from april - oct
- Danger of wildfires
- The Great Plains
- Suburban sprawl
- Bungalows and apartments
- 95% of LA's pop live here
- Grid layout
- Autopia
- Talk radio
- Freeway
- Commuters
- Banham
- Skid Row
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