Sources of the UK constitution
- Created by: maddie.derbyshire
- Created on: 30-09-20 20:30
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- Sources of the UK Constituttion
- 2. Common Law
- also known as case law of president, this is laws that have been created by judges, courts and similar tribunals
- 1. Statute Law
- refers to laws that have been passed by the governemnt.
- E.g. Brexit Deal
- refers to laws that have been passed by the governemnt.
- 3. Royal Perogative
- refers to powers previously held by the monarchy that now belong to the government, and can be used without consulting parliamnet.
- E.g. right to declare war
- refers to powers previously held by the monarchy that now belong to the government, and can be used without consulting parliamnet.
- 5. Authoratative Opinions
- books written by constitutional theorists that are authoritative guides to the constitution.
- E.g. Erskine May
- books written by constitutional theorists that are authoritative guides to the constitution.
- 4. Conventions
- 2. Common Law
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