soul, mind and body scholars
- Created by: padlu1
- Created on: 04-06-18 18:43
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- Soul, Mind and Body
- Hick
- psycho-somatic unity
- soft materialist
- Descartes
- substance dualism
- I think therefore I am
- Aristotle
- materialist
- wax analogy
- eye analogy
- Ward and Swinburne
- dualists
- if people didn't have a soul they would be evil
- Dawkins
- hard materialist
- soul 1 and soul 2
- plato
- dualist
- charioteer analogy
- Ryle
- monist
- one substance
- ghost in the machine
- the university and the cricket team analogy
- Descartes made a category error- the soul and body are not separate
- monist
- Hick
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