Soul, mind and body (2)
- Created by: ekenny5
- Created on: 07-12-20 17:02
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- Soul, mind and body (2)
- Gilbert Ryle
- Rejected substance dualism and refuted Decartes'
- Used the term 'ghost in a machine'
- A category mistake
- says the mind and soul cannot be something separate, they are interconnected parts of the individual you
- may be described as a monist, but he does not call himself one
- Rejected substance dualism and refuted Decartes'
- Aristotle
- De Anima - on the soul
- may be a dualist - says humans have a soul that may survive after death
- though may be a materialist as he doesn't believe in life after death
- may be monist - more to humans than just a physical body
- it indubitably follows that the soul is inseparable from the body
- says the soul is not something separate from the living thing, the soul is property of humans, not additional to the body
- the soul is the form or essence of living things, the formal cause
- the body is the material cause, and the soul makes up the personality and characteristics. It cannot be separate from the body
- without the soul, the body is unintelligible. the soul enables us to fulfil our final cause - eudaimonia
- Aristotle said that every living thing has a soul; plants, animals and living things
- There is a hierarchy of the soul. He argued that not all living things have the same faculties of the soul
- -nutrition -desire -locomotion -perception -reason
- Humans: the rational soul
- Animals: appetitive soul
- Plants: vegetative soul
- Life After Death
- did not seem to allow for the possibility of the immortal soul
- the soul does not exist independently of the body, when the body dies, the soul dies
- except for the 'nous'
- he said that the faculty of reason possessed by humans souls may have eternal properties and survive death in some way
- Richard Dawkins
- strong atheist - 'religions are not imaginative, not poetic, not soulful'
- science has shown that many things that we thought to be true in the past have been found to be not true
- science has either killed the soul or is in the process of doing so
- Dawkins thinks that the idea of the soul is a meme
- a meme is an idea that spreads from person to person in a culture
- rejects any concept of an immortal soul, views removed from Plato
- he emphasises the idea of consciousness and DNA
- the soul was invented by the ancients to explain consciousness
- the epistemic gap - filling the gap with religion
- the soul was invented by the ancients to explain consciousness
- he emphasises the idea of consciousness and DNA
- soul one - traditional, religious meaning - separate to the body - science can kill soul one
- soul two - metaphorical and symbolic - deep feeling and imagination - science cannot kill it
- Gilbert Ryle
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