Soul, mind and body (1)
- Created by: ekenny5
- Created on: 06-12-20 12:47
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- Soul, Mind and Body
- Beliefs
- Monism is the belief that the soul and body are two aspects, but they cannot be separated or exist without each other
- The soul dies as the body dies
- Dualism is the belief that there are two separate parts to human beings, body and soul. the soul can exist without the body
- The soul survives death
- Materialism is the belief that living things have just one element, the body. There is no life after death
- Monism is the belief that the soul and body are two aspects, but they cannot be separated or exist without each other
- Plato
- possibly the most famous dualist
- Wrote Phaedo 'on the soul'. It's a dialogue between him and Socrates before his execution
- He argues that the body is less important than the soul. The body is part of the empirical world (which he doesn't trust)
- The body is made of particulars, which are imperfect and are pale imitations of the World of the Forms
- the body is a hinderance to the soul, prevents it from seeking knowledge
- Not trustworthy source of knowledge
- The body is made of particulars, which are imperfect and are pale imitations of the World of the Forms
- The body is a source of endless trouble
- The soul is 'simple', cannot change or lose or gain characteristics
- It does not start or cease to exist, it enables us to have true knowledge
- This knowledge comes from the world of the forms, where our souls were in the past and where they want to return to
- The soul was pulled to earth and incarnated into a human body
- It pulls people towards the world of the forms and allows access to pure knowledge
- \When a body dies, soul will either be reincarnated into another body or return to the realm of the forms
- The soul is the very likeness of the divine
- It pulls people towards the world of the forms and allows access to pure knowledge
- It does not start or cease to exist, it enables us to have true knowledge
- The tripartite soul
- the soul is made up of three elements
- reason, desire and spirit
- a good man is one who can keep the three parts in balance. strive to harmonise the soul
- the soul is made up of three elements
- The argument of knowledge - we have knowledge from the souls prior existence
- The argument from the cycle of opposites
- the body and soul are opposites like life and death, dark and light
- The argument from the cycle of opposites
- Descartes
- considered to be the heir of Platonic thinking on the soul
- adopted perhaps the most extreme form of substance dualism
- we can doubt all thinks, except the fact that we are doubting
- Cogito ergo sum
- I think therefore I am
- Cogito ergo sum
- The body can be doubted but the soul's existence cannot so they must be separate and distinct
- The body as mechanical and our soul is like a pilot
- valued a priori knowledge over a posteriori knowledge (like plato)
- the immortal soul is the source of consciousness
- valued a priori knowledge over a posteriori knowledge (like plato)
- There is a little gland in the brain where the soul exercises its functions more particularly than in any other part of the body
- From 'The passions of the soul'
- He refers here to the penial gland
- he claims this is the seat of imagination and common sense
- considered to be the heir of Platonic thinking on the soul
- Beliefs
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