Soul, body and mind
- Created by: _bella_
- Created on: 24-05-19 14:41
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- Soul, Body and Mind
- 3 approaches
- Dualism
- Philosophical belief that there are 2 distinct parts to humans- body + soul
- Materialism
- Only physical matter exists and the mind can be explained as chemical reactions in the brain
- Monism
- The mind/ soul and body are one
- Dualism
- Plato's Dualism
- Linked to World of Forms and World of Appearances
- Th body is the "prison of the soul"
- The soul can access the WoF through reason (a priori)
- The body gains knowledge a posteriori
- Aim of the soul is to be released from the body and experience the WoF
- Allegory of the Charioteer- tripartite of the soul: emotion, reason and desire
- Aristotles monist view
- Hierarchy of soul functions
- 1) Growth, nutrition, 2) Locomotion, 3) Intellect
- Rejected idea of dualism as he believed that the form of an object was contained in itself
- If the body were an eye the soul would be its ability to see
- We cannot separate body and soul any more than we can wax from its shape or sight from an eye
- Hierarchy of soul functions
- Descartes- substance dualism
- Gave the first account of a soul/body relationship
- The mental + the physical are separate substances w/ independent existence
- The mind and body do interact- "Cogito, ergo, sum"
- 3 approaches
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