Sonnet: Composed Upon Westminster Bridge
by William Wordsworth
- Created by: Jess
- Created on: 19-05-13 10:56
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- Sonnet: Composed Upon Westminster Bridge
- Title
- Sonnets usually tell a story about love
- Written on the bridge about what he sees at the time
- In London
- Sonnet = Indication that he loves the sight from the bridge
- Content / Subject matter
- Octave
- Describes the sight of London in the sunrise
- Sestet
- Tone Change
- More excited - especially in the last couplet
- Tone Change
- Octave
- Intention/overall message
- Romantic View
- The most dreary and mundane of things can be enjoyed if they are viewed differently
- Effect
- Voice/viewpoint
- Diction
- Change in tone
- Octave and sestet
- In awe
- Excited
- Change in tone
- Sound/rhythm
- Iambic Pentametre
- Structure
- Petrarchan Sonnet
- a sonnet consisting of an octave with the rhyme pattern abbaabba, followed by a sestet with the rhyme pattern cdecde or cdcdcd
- abbaabba / cdcdcd
- Petrarchan Sonnet
- Form
- Sonnet
- 14 lines
- Love
- Sonnet
- 14 lines
- Sonnet
- Sonnet
- Imagery
- Sibilance
- "sight so"
- Adds impact
- Sounds like the speaker is sighing
- "sight so"
- Metaphors
- "bare"
- Gives the impression that the city is empty
- Likes it that was as it is different
- Gives the impression that the city is empty
- "bare"
- Similies
- "like a garment wear"
- As if London is putting on a different piece of clothing
- London is not always the way the speaker saw it that day
- As if London is putting on a different piece of clothing
- "like a garment wear"
- Personification
- "Never did sun more beautifully steep"
- Implication of the fact that it is the sun trying to do these things and is credited for doing them
- "Never did sun more beautifully steep"
- Hyperbole
- "not anything to show more fair:"
- Implies that he is enjoying the sight and he has never seen anything more beautiful
- Colon = about to explain the opening statement
- Diction
- Change in tone
- Octave and sestet
- In awe
- Excited
- Change in tone
- "not anything to show more fair:"
- Sibilance
- Title
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