solutions to the problem of evil
- Created by: Rowanne Rees
- Created on: 28-04-13 16:47
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- Solutions to the problem of evil
- Suffering may be a test of faith
- E.g. Job from the Bible
- Maybe difficult to except
- Bad helps us to appreciate the good
- Is it really only though suffering that we can appreciate the good things?
- God's plan
- He has a plan for evil and suffering that we do not understand
- It is not our place to question why we suffer
- Suffering helps us to be stronger
- Pain helps us to deal with future trials
- Suffering caries between people
- God cannot remove evil from the world
- He gave humans freewill and he cannot interfere in this
- But god is meant to be all loving and all powerful?
- Suffering depends on interpretation
- Suffering may not be negative E.g. A persons death could cause comfort, when a lion eats a lamb, the lamb suffers but the lion benefits
- Suffering may be a test of faith
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