Socialism Core Values

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  • Socialism Core Values
    • Equality
      • Everyone is born with equal rights and opportunities
      • Equality of outcome = receive rewards on the basis of needs. E.g. wealth, redistributive justice, jobs
        • Redistribution
          • Equality
            • Everyone is born with equal rights and opportunities
            • Equality of outcome = receive rewards on the basis of needs. E.g. wealth, redistributive justice, jobs
              • Redistribution
                • "From each according to his abilities to each according to his needs" - Marx
              • Socialists recognise that many individuals are self-made through their own labour but criticise the fact that the possession of private property leads to undeserved inherited advantages
          • "From each according to his abilities to each according to his needs" - Marx
        • Socialists recognise that many individuals are self-made through their own labour but criticise the fact that the possession of private property leads to undeserved inherited advantages
      • Common Ownership
        • Private ownership leads to unneeded competition
        • Common ownership leads to equality
        • Collectivism (people working together)
        • Private property creates the conditions for human inequality
          • This view was developed by marx
        • Nationalisation = 20% of economy was nationalised in the post-war consensus (coal and steel)
      • Community
        • Early socialists lived in communes
        • Collectivist vision
        • Common Ownership
          • Private ownership leads to unneeded competition
          • Common ownership leads to equality
          • Collectivism (people working together)
          • Private property creates the conditions for human inequality
            • This view was developed by marx
          • Nationalisation = 20% of economy was nationalised in the post-war consensus (coal and steel)
        • Superiority of the community over the individual
        • NHS = provides free care according to need, paid by the general taxation rather than private healthcare
      • Human Nature
        • Positive view. Nature vs. nurture = nurture shapes a person and selfishness is a result of capitalism
        • Agreed with from Utopians as individuals are corrupted from the conditions in which they are born
      • Co-operation
        • Marks economic and moral sense
        • Capitalism creates competition and makes humans go against each other. Cooperation is good


    Old Sir


    A clear overview of the main ideas affecting post-war social democracy in the UK. This will be helpful to students at the beginning of their revision, the core value boxes suggesting areas for further reading. It is important that students also look in more detail at post-war consensus between Labour and Conservatives and investigate the role of organised labour through the trade unions.

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