Social, emotional, economic aspects of ageing
key areas to social, emotional and economic aspects of ageing.
Covers 9 main areas with sub ideas added as well.
- Created by: michaela
- Created on: 02-05-13 12:02
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- Social, emotional, economic aspects of ageing
- inability to cope
- Confusion
- Dementia
- Mental illness
- Increased dependancy on others
- illness or disorders
- lack of confidence
- increased potential dangers
- to self
- To others
- Increased Isolation
- Mobility problems
- Low income
- low motivation
- feel less valued
- communication problems
- illness or disorders
- confusion
- roles of older people
- family memebers
- voluntary workers
- members of community
- economic changes
- income
- benefits
- lifestyle changes
- time, leisure and work patterns
- changes in health and care needs
- Formal support
- paid care
- Informal support
- Unpaid care- friends, family, neighbours or community
- Formal support
- inability to cope
- increased potential dangers
- to self
- To others
- Increased Isolation
- Mobility problems
- Low income
- low motivation
- feel less valued
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