Social Control and the Criminal Justice System
- Created by: ecotts
- Created on: 03-04-18 15:45
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- Social Control and the Criminal Justice System
- The Birth of Prison
- Foucault
- He looked at punishment and it's relationship to the criminal justice system
- His findings highlighted the role of prisons in the CJS
- He focuses on the shift from Sovereign power to Disciplinary Power
- He looked at punishment and it's relationship to the criminal justice system
- Sovereign Power
- Is extreme tourturing punishment to the body such as hanging, public execution etc
- however by the end of the 18th century this type of punishment no longer took place
- it had been replaced with Disciplinary power
- Disciplinary Power
- this was to try and change the offenders soul and behaviour in order to gain control
- Foucault
- Disciplinary Power
- Panopticon
- Bentham
- Disciplinary power was preferred in panopticon prisons
- This is where officers could watch the prisoners from the central tower
- however, prisoners couldn't tell if they were being watched or not because of the light
- Therefore they had to assume they were being monitored and behave meaning they disciplined themselves
- Bentham
- Foucault
- Disciplinary power became a characteristicof modern society in which people has to monitor their own behaviour
- this has been extended to the widespread use of CCTV, where citizens can never be sure wether they are been monitored
- Disciplinary power became a characteristicof modern society in which people has to monitor their own behaviour
- Mathiesen
- 'Synopticon' everybody watches everyone else
- This acts as a social control for everyone even powerful people
- Mann et all
- "sousveillance" ordinary people can film police wrong doing
- However this is power can still control this as they can confiscate cameras
- "sousveillance" ordinary people can film police wrong doing
- 'Synopticon' everybody watches everyone else
- Mathiesen
- Criticisms
- Has there really be a clear shift to Disciplinary power; as some countries still have the death penalty
- Norris
- CCTV displaces crime to places without CCTV. therefore give a false sense of reassurance for the public
- Panopticon
- Does imprisonment Prevent Crime?
- The Downing Street Strategy Unit
- a 22% increase in prisoners led to a 5% decrease in crime
- However... 48% of prisoners released in 2010 were proven to have reoffended within 1 year
- Boorman and Hopkins
- Crime has a range of complex social causes
- Many re-offenders has chaotic childhoods and experienced abuse, witnessed violent and been taken into car
- Many have been unemployed, had housing issues or mental illnesses
- Crime has a range of complex social causes
- Prisons make pre-existing issues worse
- Destabilising family ties
- Making employment harder to find upon release
- Becker
- Criminals become the master label for offenders upon their release from prison
- However there has been a move to adopt community approaches
- Criminals have to help complete tasks and work in the community to help improve local environment
- The Downing Street Strategy Unit
- The Birth of Prison
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