Social Action
- Created by: AnnaFaulk
- Created on: 26-03-18 09:57
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- Social action
- Ethnomethod-ology
- Reflexivity
- Garfinkel believes that reflexivity is the way that people mimic each other in a conversation.
- Reflexivity
- Phenomen-ology
- Max Weber
- Believed there were different sets of social meanings
- Instrumental actions
- Actions that are underpinned by rational thought etc
- Affectual actions
- Actions controlled by emotions and ideology
- Instrumental actions
- Believed there were different sets of social meanings
- Phenomena are things that have characteristic that our senses can distinguish
- Schutz calls these typifications
- Taylor
- Applied a P perspective to suicide
- Purposive: the victim is certain that he or she wants to die because they interpret their circumstances as inherently negative
- Ordeal suicide: stem from a profound sense of uncertainty
- Applied a P perspective to suicide
- Max Weber
- Structuration theory
- Garfinkel
- Structure and action are two sides of the same coin
- Garfinkel
- Ethnomethod-ology
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