Skill classification
- Created by: stackyboi
- Created on: 07-05-18 16:17
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- Skill Classification
- Gross Skills
- Involve large muscle movements
- practice methods may include the building of strength in the muscles
- Practice methods may also include repetition to ensure automatic responses
- Fine Skills
- May include repetitive training as well as mental rehearsal
- Open Skills
- A variety of situations should be experienced so that the performer can create different strategies
- Knowledge of the requirements of a skill will help a performer take in the right amount and type of information
- Closed Skills
- Learning of closed skills is more effective as they are repeated
- Skills need to be close to autonomous
- The constancy of the environment means no varied practice is required
- Discrete Skills
- Best taught as a whole; variety of situations to help with different strategies
- Serial Skills
- Best to be split up and practiced in sub-routines
- The performer can put the components together to perform the whole skill
- Continuous Skills
- effective when practiced as a whole
- Aids with kinaesthetic sense of movement
- Self paced Skills
- Include fixed practices that involve more control
- Develop habitual responses that take less control
- Externally paced Skills
- Development might involve more varied practices
- Help the performer build strategies
- Gross Skills
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