Skill Acquisition
- Created by: Zehra Soyer
- Created on: 16-02-17 14:31
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- Skill Aquisition
- Classification of skills
- Muscular involvement continuum
- Fine(small muscle movements)
- Gross(large muscle movements)
- Pacing continuum
- Self-paced (performer controls the movement)
- Externally paced (based on actions of others)
- Environmental continuum
- Open (changing)
- Closed (stable)
- Continuity continuum
- Discrete(clear start and end)
- Continuous (no clear start and end)
- Complexity continuum
- Simple(few stimuli)
- Complex (many stimuli)
- Organisational continuum
- Low (subroutines)
- High(no subroutines)
- Muscular involvement continuum
- Types and methods of practice
- Fixed Practice
- Closed, repetitive skills
- Vaired Practice
- Open skills, games players
- Part practice
- Subroutines, then practiced
- Whole practice
- Entire skill
- Massed practice
- No breaks, simple skills
- Distributed practice
- Breaks, cognitive skills
- Whole-part-whole practice
- Whole, 1 part, whole
- Progressive-part practice
- Subroutines, chaining
- Fixed Practice
- Transfer of skills
- Positive transfer
- One skill benefiting another.
- Negative transfer
- One skill badly effecting another
- Proactive transfer
- Previously learnt skill effecting a new one.
- Null transfer
- No transfer
- Bilateral transfer
- Limb to limb transfer
- Retroactive transfer
- Newly learnt skill effecting a previously learnt skill
- Positive transfer
- Theories of learning
- Operant conditoning
- Bf Skinner - behaviourism = consequences
- Association learning (s-r bond) trial and error learning
- Reinforcement - positive, negative, punishment
- Association learning (s-r bond) trial and error learning
- Bf Skinner - behaviourism = consequences
- Cognitive learinng theory
- Problem solving, trial and error, schemas
- Whole problem, past experinces
- Problem solving, trial and error, schemas
- Observational learning theory
- Albert Bandura- learn by observing others
- Attention, retention, motor reproduction, motivation
- Albert Bandura- learn by observing others
- Thorndikes laws
- law of effect, law of exercise, law of readiness
- Operant conditoning
- Stages of learning
- Cognitive
- Mental picture, trial and error
- Autonomus
- Grooved, fluent
- Associatve
- Practice, EMP
- Cognitive
- Guidance
- Visual guidance
- Demonstration
- Verbal guidance
- Coaching pints, descripton
- Mechanical guidance
- Mechanical aid (harness)
- Manual gidance
- Physical manipulation
- Visual guidance
- Feedback
- Extrinsic feedback
- External sources
- Positive feedback
- Coach, when movement is correct
- Negative feedback
- Coach, when movement is incorrect
- Knowledge of results
- Outcome of movement
- Knowledge of performace
- Quality of movement
- Intrinsic feedback
- Internal sources
- Extrinsic feedback
- Memory Models
- Multi-store model of memory
- Atkinson and Shiffrin
- Sensory store, short term memory, long term memory
- Selective attention, rehearsal, retrieval
- Atkinson and Shiffrin
- Levels of processing
- Craik and Lockhart
- Pattern recognition, matches input to past learning, sensory features
- Deep processed, better stored, retention, retrival
- Pattern recognition, matches input to past learning, sensory features
- Craik and Lockhart
- Multi-store model of memory
- Classification of skills
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