Situation ethics
- Created by: Beththerese
- Created on: 17-11-15 22:08
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- Situation ethics
- ethical theory which maintains something is moral if it follows the most loving course of action
- Developed by anglican theologian Joseph Fletcher
- His theory influenced by NT teaching therefore religious theory
- Follows teleological approach to ethics
- He felt natural law was to legalistic and took his ideas from Jesus with the pharisees
- Relativist theory because an action may be acceptable under one set of circumstances but unacceptable by another
- For example abortion may be unacceptable if is to cause harm to the mother but unacceptable if the mother wants to be slim for summer
- Agape love is what Fletcher had in mind when developing his theory
- If a rule has to be broken in order to follow the most lowing course of action it is morally acceptable to break that rule
- 'The situationist follows a moral law or violates it according to loves need'
- Fletcher felt there was only three general approaches to ethics the legalistic approach the antinomian approach the situational approach
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