Sin and Forgiveness: The Church
- Created by: ellielouise
- Created on: 28-03-21 19:37
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- The Church
- the four marks of the Church
- holy
- Jesus is the source of all holiness
- the Church is holy through its teaching, prayer, worship and work
- it does not mean that there are no sinners, but recognises that we are not perfect yet are taught to repent and seek God's forgiveness
- one
- Catholics are united in their beliefs
- one pope, seven sacraments etc
- catholic
- Jesus gives the Church everything it needs for people to be saved
- apostolic
- Jesus founded the Church and gave authority to his apostles
- the special authority went to St Peter, the first pope and this has been handed down to the pope and bishops today
- holy
- the Body of Christ
- the Church is described as the Body of Christ in both the Catechism and the New Testament
- when God became incarnate (Jesus), he showed his love in the things he said and did
- because the Church lives on as the Body as Christ, this means that Jesus' work did not end after the ascension
- each individual has a role as important as another's
- 'I have no body on earth now except yours.'
- Church
- Church with a capital 'C' refers to the group of people gathered together
- church with a lower case 'c' refers to the building
- Mary
- Mary is described as a model of the Church, this means that Mary demonstrated/modelled what it is to be a Christian
- Charity - she gave her whole life to God and showed kindness and compassion
- Discipleship - she spent her whole life dedicated to Jesus; she accepted the role of his mother joyfully and willingly; this is the way Catholics should serve God
- Faith - she never once questioned God or Jesus; she did not desert her son as she followed him to the cross
- Mary acts as a mediator between humanity and God and Catholics ask her to intercede for them; the Hail Mary is a significant prayer
- Mary is special because without her there would be no incarnation, no Jesus and therefore no salvation; she prompted Jesus to perform his first miracle
- architecture
- the altar
- where the Liturgy of the Eucharist takes place; references to the stone table of sacrifice; Jesus' body and blood was the final sacrifice; reference to the Last Supper
- the Eucharist is the most important part of the Mass, so where this takes place is important
- the Baptismal Font
- where Baptisms are performed; it is a sign of cleansing Original Sin and living a life faithful to Jesus
- following Jesus leads to salvation
- the crucifix
- above the altar; reminds us of the suffering and death of Jesus
- the confessional
- where the sacrament of reconciliation takes place
- the priest will absolve people of their sins
- modern churches
- since Vatican II, the priest faces the congregation and the service takes place in the language of the counrty
- the altar
- the four marks of the Church
- Church
- Church with a capital 'C' refers to the group of people gathered together
- church with a lower case 'c' refers to the building
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