- Created by: Divineee x
- Created on: 07-10-18 15:10
View mindmap
- Sin
- Adultery
- actions against God
- Lying
- Murder
- Why do people commit crime?
- sexual offences
- other theft offences
- violence against the person
- burglary
- robbery
- offences against vehicles
- Drugs
- fraud
- Criminals damage
- Revenge
- Mental health
- envy
- Aims of Punishment
- Protection
- Keeping public from being harmed threatened or injured by criminals
- Reformation
- To change someone for better behaviour such as education
- Deterrence
- To stop criminals from doing crimes again
- Retribution
- Revenge
- Vindication
- Criminals should be punished to show that they can respect the law and it is right
- Reparation
- To help criminals to be better again
- community service
- working without getting paid
- To help criminals to be better again
- Protection
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