Regeneration - Siegfried Sassoon
- Created by: kat1301
- Created on: 02-04-18 13:44
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- Siegfried Sassoon
- Protest
- 'A Soldier's Declaration'.
- 'Not sufficient imagination'
- Segregation between army and authority as well as those on the home front.
- Barker opens a fictional novel with a real document.
- Novel begins with a protest.
- Voices a truth which is uncomfortable
- It was insisted that he must be suffering from a nervous breakdown and could not
be held responsible for his actions.
- He was admitted to Craiglockhart
- 'Not sufficient imagination'
- 'A Soldier's Declaration'.
- Guilt
- Death's Brotherhood.
- Survivor's guilt
- Guilt takes him back to the war.
- Separation of him and 'them'.
- Survivor's guilt
- Sassoon expresses his guilt through poetry.
- Death's Brotherhood.
- Duty
- It's his duty to go back.
- 'Oh yes. I'm going back'.
- 'Discharged to duty'.
- Final words of the novel.
- Samuel Hynes - Historical brackets
- Begins with declaration ends with Sassoon going back.
- Sassoon is not anti-war. This is his duty.
- It's his duty to go back.
- Protest
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