Sidewalk Blues (1926) By Jelly Roll Morton
- Created by: Olivia Grace Matthews
- Created on: 06-06-15 07:20
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- Sidewalk Blues (1926) by Jelly Roll Morton
- Rhythm and Metre
- 4/4 Time signature
- Rhythms in Swing/Shuffle Style
- Syncopation
- Staccato chords from rest of band - 2nd and 4th beats
- Structure and Form
- 8 bar intro with Jazz breaks - lead to Sec. A
- Chrous 1 - 12 bar blues, trumpet lead, use of syncopation
- Chrous 2 - Ensemble polyphony over 12 bar blues structure but with diff. melody and harmony
- Cadences played by the bass in bars 11+12 in A + B sections
- Chrous 3 - Clarinet Solo over staccato chords on 2nd + 4th beats
- Transition of 4 bars with modulation from Ab - Db
- Second half - now Subdom. with 2bar song form in 8 bar phrases giving piece a slow rag
- More lyrical in nature with longer sustained notes
- Harmony
- 12 bar blues
- Changes to standard blues chord progression bass moving stepwise
- Eb-D-C
- Half way through bar 7 to lead to C major chord in bar 8 = acts as secondary dom
- To chord II (F minor) at start of final phrase
- I I I I - IV IV I VI (MAJ) - II V I I
- Instrumentation
- Trumpet - Lead instrument with many impro accomp and solo melodies
- Piano - 1 bar count to cue start of piece + syncopated rhythms
- Trombone - Front line instrument. Provides diff. sounding melodies by using portamentos and wawa
- Clarinet - Front line which accompanies
- Double Bass - Pizz arpeggios throughout. Underpins other instruments to keep rhythm
- Drum Kit - Appear for transitions and start of sections
- Rhythm and Metre
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