- Created by: AbbieLauren
- Created on: 18-12-14 11:36
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- Shopping
- Advantages
- Hypermarkets
- Sell very wide range of products, as well as food.
- Competitive prices.
- In - store facilities, cafe, creche, pharmacist, bakery, butchers and fresh fish counter
- Free parking
- Family Friendly with special trolleys & wide aisles.
- Cash back facility.
- Supermarkets
- Smaller than a hypermarket and can be local.
- Quicker for doing a smaller shop.
- Free parking
- Cash back facility.
- Special offers.
- Specialist Shops
- wide choice of a particular type of food, e.g. meat at a butcher's or fish at the fishmonger's.
- Knowledgeable staff for advice and assistance.
- Individual service/good quality of service.
- Can buy as much or as little as you need.
- Hypermarkets
- Disadvantages
- Hypermarkets
- You need a car to get there, because they are mostly like on out skirts of large towns.
- Cost of petrol has to be added on top of shopping cost.
- It takes a long time to get around hypermarkets as they are so large.
- Many spend more money because of good offers.
- Supermarkets
- May not have a wide range of goods as hypermarkets
- May be more expensive than hypermarket.
- Lack of facilities such as cafe & pharmacy.
- Specialist Shops
- More expensive than supermarket.
- Fewer shops available
- May have to travel to get there.
- Parking may be difficult.
- Hypermarkets
- Advantages
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