Shirkuh- Nur ad-Din's second in command (Egyptian Wars) 1163
- Created by: Robyn
- Created on: 11-05-13 10:31
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- Shirkur
- Who?
- Vizier of Egypt
- Kurdish general
- one of Zengi's mercenary armies
- sources of power
- Nur ad-Din relied on mercenary armies
- control
- expand
- mamluks
- professional slave warriors
- loyalty to only immediate commander
- not to overlord
- loyalty to only immediate commander
- professional slave warriors
- Nur ad-Din relied on mercenary armies
- ambitions
- Shirkuh= invasion of Egypt as opputunity
- independent state of his own
- Shirkuh= invasion of Egypt as opputunity
- Actions
- 1163- Egyptian wars
- prevent Franks from taking Egypt
- Saladin= Shirkuh's nephew= second in command
- Oct 1168
- gains Vizier's trust- Shawar allies with Shirkuh against Amalric
- Amalric attacked Cairo
- gains Vizier's trust- Shawar allies with Shirkuh against Amalric
- Jan 1169- Shawar was assassinated
- Shirkur made himself Vizier
- March 1169- died
- Saladin took over
- 1163- Egyptian wars
- Who?
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