Shaun's Character Arc
- Created by: magdaathan
- Created on: 23-02-21 15:28
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- Shaun's Character Arc
- 1) Youth
- entering shop to buy sweets and read comics, childish
- 2)The world is dangerous
- Combo's speech manipulates him, despite not listening
- 3)Promise of Escape
- Combo talking to him in car about father gives him a parental figure. Woody also is promising, but dissapoints
- 4)Transformation
- 2 transformations- one to skinhead and one to nationalism, context link
- 5)Conflict
- beating of Milky creates moral dilemma as he loves him
- 6)Realisation
- speaks to mother and reconnects, anxious to know if Milky is okay
- 7)Self-Awareness and Strength
- throws the flag away, rejecting nationalist ideology and harmful father figure
- 9) Adulthood
- not shown, creates a dilemma and lack of resolution in coming-of-age arc
- 1) Youth