Shapping business opportunities
- Created by: Mirabella
- Created on: 17-05-18 12:09
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- Shapping business opportunities
- Big ideas in organisation
- Main business functions
- Marketing
- Offering
- Focus on offering
- Product: What design, pricing
- Place: where
- Promotion: how many
- Pricing: how much
- Formulating the offer
- Targeting: to who
- Segmentation: how
- Positioning: competitors
- Focus on offering
- Offering
- Operation
- Strategy
- Advantage
- Comparative advantage
- Relative
- Absolete
- Competitive advantage
- Comparative advantage
- Supply chain
- Source
- Make
- Deliver
- Return
- Plan
- Outsourcing
- onshore
- offshore
- Finance
- Risks
- Raising Financing
- Cash flow
- Taxes
- Access to finance
- Exchange rate
- Reports
- Human resources and management
- Labour shortgage
- Immigration policy
- Labour shortgage
- Marketing
- Innovation
- Main business functions
- Marketing
- Offering
- Focus on offering
- Product: What design, pricing
- Place: where
- Promotion: how many
- Pricing: how much
- Formulating the offer
- Targeting: to who
- Segmentation: how
- Positioning: competitors
- Focus on offering
- Offering
- Operation
- Strategy
- Advantage
- Comparative advantage
- Relative
- Absolete
- Competitive advantage
- Comparative advantage
- Supply chain
- Source
- Make
- Deliver
- Return
- Plan
- Outsourcing
- onshore
- offshore
- Finance
- Risks
- Raising Financing
- Cash flow
- Taxes
- Access to finance
- Exchange rate
- Reports
- Human resources and management
- Labour shortgage
- Immigration policy
- Labour shortgage
- Marketing
- Main business functions
- Big ideas in oraganisation
- Globalisation
- Influenced by
- Macro factors: STEEPLE (Socio-cultural, technological,economic, ecological, political, ethical)
- Micro factors: SWOT(Strengths, weaknesses,opportunities, threats)
- Depends on policy, stakeholders
- Pheunomen: economic, political, cultural
- Actions
- transition
- entering
- Untitled
- production and trade
- investment in processing and retailing
- advertising and promotion
- transition
- Influenced by
- Type of otganisation
- Private
- Public
- Main business functions
- Competing in a global context
- Operations
- International operations
- Reshoring
- Services
- Strategies
- Offshoring
- Strategies
- Services
- Reshoring
- Supply chain management
- Orizontal
- Outsourcing
- Supplier relationship
- Vertical
- Supplier relationship
- Outsourcing
- operations
- Inbound logistics
- Outbound logistics
- Sales and marketing
- sercives
- Orizontal
- International operations
- Finance
- Economic flow
- Financial flow
- Tax consideration
- Exchange rate
- International financial institution: IFRS standards
- Human resources and management
- Employee relations
- HRM in global context
- Ethics
- Identifying leadership
- Leadership as person
- Leadership as Result
- Leadership as Position
- Leadership as Purpose
- Leadership as Process
- Marketing
- Ethics
- Branding
- Global Culture and it's effects
- Innovations
- Operations
- Building long term success
- Innovation
- Planning
- Creating and maintain value
- Management
- Employee relations
- Working place
- Workers health
- Workers flexibility
- Key performance indicator
- Improvements
- Standards
- Organisational culture
- Micro and macroeconomic success
- Broader aspiration for social change
- Managing success or crisis
- Employee relations
- Finance
- Measuring
- Historical costs
- Fair value
- Shareholder
- Investments
- Measuring
- Operation
- Finding way to increase value
- Risk:Negative consequences that can appear for an organisation
- Quality
- Quality assurance
- Quality control
- 6 Sigma
- Business sustainability
- Marketing
- Supply chain management
- Relationship management
- Customers expectations
- Management
- Innovations
- Big ideas in organisation
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