SEE: Water: 5.6B
- Created by: MaggieNaylor
- Created on: 18-03-22 19:42
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- 5.6B: Climate change impact on stores and flows
- Snow/glacier mass
- Glaciers have retreated rapidly since 1970s
- 2020 was the 33rd year in a row that glaciers have retreated
- This is due to rapid temp increase and change in precipitation type (more rain than snow)
- Glaciers have retreated rapidly since 1970s
- Reservoirs/lakes
- Regional variations in lakes and reservoirs has been linked to regional changes in climate e.g. Lake Chad
- Permafrost
- There is permafrost degradation at higher latitudes due to increased warming
- This leads to a positive feedback cycle, as methane is released when it melts and therefore accelerates change
- Soil moisture
- Ambiguous what will happen, prediction is that as precipitation increases so will soil moisture
- Runoff/streamflow
- 1 degree rise in temp could increase global runoff by 40%
- There will be more hydrological extemes: low flows (droughts) and high flows (floods)
- An accelerated cycle with more intense rainfall will increase run-off rates and reduce infiltration
- There are marked decreases in run-off and stream flow in Africa and Mediterranean
- Snow/glacier mass
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