Secularisation debate: it isnt occuring
- Created by: annagaskell
- Created on: 21-02-19 16:15
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- Secularisation debate: It isn't occuring
- Golden age never exsisted
- Rodney stark assumes golden age
- bruce- evidence shows widespread indifference to religion. people went unwillingly and acted inappropriste
- attendance rates haven't declined as it was never that high anyway, less expectation to be religious
- believing without belonging/ vicarious religion
- Grace davie- from obligation to consumption
- people no longer feel they have to make beliefs public or be religious
- religion practiced by an active minority ( church leaders) on behalf of silent majority
- visible during critical periods of peoples lives
- Grace davie- from obligation to consumption
- secularisation cycle
- stark and bainbridge
- religion adapts to meet the needs of society
- constant demand for religion
- church looses influence, sects and cults grow.
- stark and bainbridge
- need for religion for ethnic minorties
- steve bruce
- allows for cultural identity / defence
- practices allow customs to be maintained and cultural identity to be protected
- growth of spirituality
- Kendal project
- religiosity not in decrease, changing to be more spiritual
- lyon- period of reenchantment
- cultural amnesia and personalisation of religion
- Danielle herview lerger
- cultural amnesia- loss of collective worship, free to choose
- no longer fixed religion, religious consumerism has replaced it
- spiritual shoppers, converts/ pilgrims. DIY cocktail (bunting)
- Golden age never exsisted
- revival
- decline
- innovation
- revival
- decline
- innovation
- innovation
- decline
- revival
- innovation
- decline
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