Secularisation debate: it is occuring
- Created by: annagaskell
- Created on: 21-02-19 13:24
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- Secularisation debate: it is occurring
- Statistical evidence
- church attendence
- 2015- 5% attend church on sundays
- although, not shown in smaller religions, people too busy, people work, not attending doesn't mean not believing
- weddings and baptisms
- 1971- 60% married in church. 2012- 30%
- better venues?
- baptisms decreased although increase with older children- bogus baptisms
- 1971- 60% married in church. 2012- 30%
- religios affliliation
- 2014 half od adults say theyre religious
- however, religious beliefs are private so these stats may be wrong
- church attendence
- The growth of science
- weber
- rationalisation
- disenchatntment
- desacrilisation
- Bruce
- technological world view
- take religious explanations less seriously
- weber
- The decline in meta- narratives
- peter berger
- used to be single sacred canopy- set of shared beliefs
- society no longer unifed, different interpreations of the truth, religious pluralism.
- meta narrative- a theory which claims to be above the ordinary
- separation of religion from the state
- parsons- structural differentiattion
- society is more complex instituations lose many of their functions
- led to disengagement of religion from state. lost influence over ublic life
- parsons- structural differentiattion
- Statistical evidence
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