secondary data
- Created by: laurenhemsley2
- Created on: 29-04-15 14:33
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- secondary data.
- secondary data is data collected by other people, both qualitative and quantitative.
- researchers make good use of it.
- it has equal status to primary data.
- it includes:
- life/ personal documents
- official documents
- other documents from organisational sources
- the contents of the mass media
- previous sociological research
- trace measures
- approaches to secondary data
- extraction- taking statistics or examples
- content analysis- qualitative to look for meanings and themes. quantitative usually uses computer programmes to analyse for key word frequency.
- semiotics- the study of signs and symbols via life documents especially
- advantages
- all sociological research starts with a literature search of all previous research
- official letters and documents can reconstruct something historical
- sometimes primary research is impossible
- disadvantages
- sources are created for a reason which can cause bias
- private organisations are self-interested. life documents are often one sided. historical sources are effected by the culture od the writer and the context in which the were
- secondary data is data collected by other people, both qualitative and quantitative.
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