Scientific Method
- Created by: Natalie
- Created on: 09-01-14 13:41
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- Scientific Method
- Science
- Major features of science
- Empiricism
- Objectivity
- Replicability
- Control
- Theory construction
- Major features of science
- Validating knowledge
- Peer review.
- Serves three main purposes.
- Allocation of research findings.
- Publication in scientific journals.
- Research assessment exercise.
- May be an unreachable ideal.
- Anonymity allows honesty and objectivity.
- Publication bias favours positive results.
- May lead to preservation of the status quo.
- Serves three main purposes.
- Conventions of scientific reporting
- Abstract - summary of study
- Introduction / aim - literature review and research intentions
- Method - procedures and design of study
- Results - descriptive and inferential statistics.
- Discussion - outcomes and implications of study.
- References
- Peer review.
- Science
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