Sociology and Science
- Created by: elliepeck
- Created on: 06-06-15 14:18
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- Science and Sociology
- Positivists
- Positivists believe that sociology can be studied as a science.
- 'Society can be studied exactly the same as the natural world is'
- Patterns, Laws and Inductive reasoning
- Positivists study society using a range of research methods to produce objective data!
- Inductive sociology-This approach is where data is collected and then the information is used to create different theories.
- Verificationism - As more information and evidence is collected, claim of the truth & form a law/policy.
- Macro theories & structural explanations as they help to see structures that existoutside of us that shape members behaviours.
- Positivists believe that sociology can be studied as a science.
- Interpretivists
- Supports social action theories such as symbolic interactionism and ethnomethodology
- Society and people cannot be studied scientifically as theyre too complex and true meaning will not be uncovered through positivist way of stydying.
- thry try and understand human behaviour through the point of view of the individual
- Positivists
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