AQA Scizophrenia mindmap
- Created by: Emma
- Created on: 30-04-14 13:02
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- Schizophrenia
- Clinical Characteristics
- Positive
- Advantages and disadvantages of classification and diagnosis
- Advantages
- Standardisation of diagnosis
- Therapy
- Aetiology
- Disadvantages
- Historical and cultural context
- Misdiagnosis
- Advantages
- Reliability
- Inter-rater reliability
- Jakobsen et al
- Test retest reliability
- Prescott et al
- Inter-rater reliability
- Validity
- Comorbity
- Ethnicity may lead to misdiagnosis
- Cochrane
- Bioligical Explanations
- Genetics
- Twin Studies
- Torrey et al
- Adoption Studies
- Kety and Ingrahm
- Sorri et al
- Twin Studies
- Dopamine Hypothesis
- Parkinsons Disease and Antipsychotic drugs
- Kessler et al
- Randrup and Munkvad
- Naheed and Green
- Parkinsons Disease and Antipsychotic drugs
- Genetics
- Psychological Explanations
- Cognitive
- Frith (1979)
- Liddle and Morris
- Socio-Cultural
- Life Events
- Brown and Birley
- Hirsch et al
- Os et al
- Family Relationships
- Kalafi and Torabi
- Life Events
- Cognitive
- Biological Therapies
- Drug Therapy
- Typical Antipsychotic drugs
- Davis et al
- Vaughn and Leff
- Atypical Antipsychotic drugs
- Tardive dyskinesia
- Motivational Deficits
- Leucht et al
- Typical Antipsychotic drugs
- Drug Therapy
- Psychological Therapy
- Turkington et al
- Chadwick et al
- Clinical Characteristics
- Negative
- Affective Flattening
- Alogia
- Avolition
- Alogia
- Affective Flattening
- Delusions
- Experiences of control
- Positive
- Hallucinations
- Disordered Thinking
- Experiences of control
- Delusions
- Disordered Thinking
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