Lord of the Flies Themes Mindmaps: Savegery vs Civ Part one
- Created by: Saigo Takormori
- Created on: 11-03-13 10:04
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- Savagery vs Civilisation
- Jack tries to take power, humalitied when he's not elected cheif
- Jack says '' ******** to the rules ''
- Jack doesn't care for the conch
- Conflict between two conflicting rivals: Civlisation and Barbarity
- E.g Jack becomes obseesed with Hunting
- '' Awesome stranger ''
- Liberated from self shame
- '' We need an assembley
- '' Behind which Jack hid, liberated from shame and self consciousness''
- '' We need an assembley
- Liberated from self shame
- '' Awesome stranger ''
- Untitled
- E.g Jack becomes obseesed with Hunting
- Conflict between two conflicting rivals: Civlisation and Barbarity
- Jack tries to take power, humalitied when he's not elected cheif
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