- Created by: lou9119
- Created on: 31-05-17 14:14
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- Sans-Culottes
- Important to the revolution. Dominated Paris and the Paris Commune. Wanted more extreme measures than the LA, such as food price controls and the vote. Price rises and food shortages triggered riots in 92 and made them more militant.
- The overthrow of the monarchy
- Other events of 92- the war propaganda of the Girondins, the military defeats, Louis and his veto, his dismissal of Brissot, and Lafayette's call for the end of Jacobins- all added to this militancy.
- Journee of June 20th, thousands of SC occupy the royal palace, the Tuiliers, forcing Louis to wear the ered cap of liberty.
- Journee of August 10th the Tuiliers was attatcked and the defenders (swiss soiolders) were defeated. Royals took refuge in the LA, deputies were then forced to hand over Louis and to agree to a new election, by universal sufferage, of a National Convention that was to create a republic.
- In July, following the decree of a state emergency, National Guards (federes) began to arrive in Paris, joining calls for the end of monarchy. Prussia's army commander threatened to destroy Paris in the Brunswick Manifesto if the royals were harmed.
- Federes: provincial NG.
- It was not clear who actively organised this but it included Robespierre and Danton.
- The September Massacres
- Power was shared between the deputies of the LA, the Insurrectionist Commune (Who controlled Paris) and a new body created by them both - The Provisional Executive Council; which was dominated by Danton.
- An Extraordinay Tribunal was set up to try those who had committed counter-revolutionary offences and some were guillotined.
- Insurrectionist Commune ordered the arrest of suspected counter-revs. Rumours spread that they planned to escape prison.
- An Extraordinay Tribunal was set up to try those who had committed counter-revolutionary offences and some were guillotined.
- The Revolutionary War continued to go badly. Prussians invaded, Lafayette defected and worry for Paris.
- When news of Verdun falling reached Paris, prisons were broken into and 1,300 prisoners were murdered. P Commune did nothing to stop this.
- Insurrectionist Commune ordered the arrest of suspected counter-revs. Rumours spread that they planned to escape prison.
- The Revolutionary War continued to go badly. Prussians invaded, Lafayette defected and worry for Paris.
- Power was shared between the deputies of the LA, the Insurrectionist Commune (Who controlled Paris) and a new body created by them both - The Provisional Executive Council; which was dominated by Danton.
- Elections to the National Convention
- Began in August and continued through September. All men over 21 could vote. NC met on 20th September.
- Untitled
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