Samuel Pepys diary
- Created by: Florencepoppy7
- Created on: 09-02-22 15:04
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- Samuel Pepy’s diary
- Context
- 1666- 2nd September
- Pepys was a member of the upper class
- Detached perspective- want he’s te poor people struggle then goes out for dinner
- Pepys was 27- 36 when writing
- Witten in shorthand
- Translated in 1818
- Published post-humorously - 1825
- Purpose
- Diary- so for the private sphere
- Just to keep note of his life
- To record events happening
- Fire of London
- Post- humerusly it was used to understand the events of the fire of London but also life in the 15th century
- Diary- so for the private sphere
- Contents
- Covers only one day of the fire
- 4 detailed paragraphs
- Becomes more urgent and chaotic towards the end
- Last paragraph deviates from the rest and has a more literary register
- Chronological
- First hand account
- Combination of narrative observation and personal opinion
- Lacks clarity at points
- Audience
- People interested in the fire London
- People interested in history
- Schema
- First Peterson
- Informative
- Personal opinion
- Context