- Created by: Carolyn
- Created on: 21-05-14 10:22
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- Salmonella
- Symptoms
- Symptoms normally take 12-48hrs to develop and may include fever, diarrhoea, vomiting and abdominal pain
- Symptoms usually last for 4-7 days an clear up without treatment, however treatment may be required for dehydration
- Young people, the elderly and people whose immune systems are not working properly have a greater risk of becoming seriously ill
- Food Sources
- Poultry
- Raw Meat
- Eggs
- Unpasteurised milk
- Raw, unwashed vegetables
- Method of control
- Keep raw food away from cooked and ready-to-eat foods
- Ensure chicken and other meats are thoroughly cooked until piping hot in the centre to above 63*C
- Wash hands after handling raw chicken or other raw meats
- If suffering from food poisoning, do not handle food until 48hrs after symptoms have stopped
- Salmonella bacteria are destroyed through cooking and pasteurisation
- Symptoms
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