Saladin's actions from 1169- 1193
- Created by: Robyn
- Created on: 11-05-13 11:26
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- Saladin's actions
- 1169
- inherited a tenuous control of Egypt
- massacred Black Sudan
- destroyed military power of Fatimids
- 1170
- captured Gaza + Aila
- extended hold on Arabia and theYemen
- created own army- the Salahiyya
- 1171
- withdrew from joint expeditions with Nur ad-Din
- Sept- Fatimid Shi'ite caliph died
- Saladin= Abassid Caliph of Baghdad put into Friday prayers
- united East under Sunni
- Saladin= Abassid Caliph of Baghdad put into Friday prayers
- 1173
- withdrew from Nur ad-Din's expeditions again
- offends Nur ad-Din
- war between the 2= imminent
- withdrew from Nur ad-Din's expeditions again
- 1174
- Nur ad-Din died
- Amalric died
- took Damascus
- 1177
- Saladin defeated by Franks at Battle of Montgisard
- 1186
- took Mosul
- encirclement of Outramer complete
- 1187
- defeated Franks at battle of Hattin
- Took Jerusalem- allowed Franks safe passage out
- purified Al Aqsa mosque
- 1188
- Third Crusade called
- lost Tyre and Antioch
- 1191-2
- defeated by Franks
- Arsuf
- Jaffa
- crusade ends
- defeated by Franks
- 1193- dies
- 1169
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