Russia's Entry into WWI
- Created by: emilia_huston
- Created on: 30-04-15 10:15
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- Russia's entry into WWI
- Long Term Reasons
- The growth of a united Germany since 1871
- Unification of Germany, 1871, meant Europe was dominated by a powerful nation
- This alarmed Russia
- Formation of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1867
- Russia scared it would build on its new strengths
- Decline of the Ottoman Empire
- As Turkey weakened it would be increasily challenged by other nations
- Threatened Russias interest in the Balkans
- Turkey was a slav nation; Russia felt they needed to protect them (tradition)
- Dardanelle Straits- 75% russias grain exports; needed control of it
- Relations with Austria-Hungary
- Annexed the Balkan region of Bosnia- allowed Russia to use however
- Deteriorating relations between them, Russia demanded compensation
- Germany warned not to interfere, because of Serb Nationalism aroused by the annexation
- Balkan wars- persuade other nations to form a coalition against AH
- Balkan nationalism led to a series of conflicts
- Relations with Germany France, and Britain
- Concerned that control over Poland would be weakened
- Fears of becoming isolated after Germanys unifcatioin
- Franco Russian Convention 1892
- Traditional dislike, however main investor in the 'great spurt' 1890's
- Military support help if Germany went to war
- To avoid isolation and common fear of German aggression alliance treaty signed.
- The Triple Entente, 1907
- Britain felt threatened, included in the alliance after Germany's naval expansion
- Franco Russian Convention 1892
- The growth of a united Germany since 1871
- Short Term Reasons
- Assassination of Franz Ferdinand 1914
- Heir to the AH throne
- Assassinated by Serbian nationalists
- AH declared war on Serbia, Russia is defender of the Slav nation
- Russia didn't want to go to war with Germany- Willy Nicky Exchanges- tried to prevent but out of their control
- Russia's mobilisation plans
- PARTIAL mobilisation
- Based on plans for a limited campaign in the Balkans agains AH
- Both forms relied on precise railway timetabling transporting vast amounts of men & materials
- If Ruussia only mobilised partially in AH it would leave Russia defenceless against Germany
- Based on plans for a limited campaign in the Balkans agains AH
- FULL mobilisation
- Based on plans for a full scale war against AH and Germany
- Both forms relied on precise railway timetabling transporting vast amounts of men & materials
- If Russia fully mobilisedGermany would have to do the same
- Based on plans for a full scale war against AH and Germany
- PARTIAL mobilisation
- Germany's mobilisation plans
- If Russia mobilisedGermany would have to go to war
- German 'Schleiffen Plan' based on speed and essence.
- Russia had to be first; they fully mobilised and Germany demanded they cease their mobilisation
- Germany declared War on Russia, 1 August 1914, as did AH four days later
- Assassination of Franz Ferdinand 1914
- Long Term Reasons
- Based on plans for a limited campaign in the Balkans agains AH
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