russia 1855-1917
- Created by: wajie
- Created on: 21-05-23 22:44
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- russia 1855-1917
- alexander 2nd (1856-1881)
- "tsar reformer"
- why were the serfs emancipated- 1861
- intelligentsia want change humiliation in crimean war made it obvious they needed to modernise
- tsar wanted to decrease power and income of the nobility, and a large mobile workforce was needed due to the doubled population size
- western view that serfdom was wrong, and emancipation was needed to modernise
- lands were infertile
- 15% still tied to lands by 1881
- 49 years of redemption payments
- reforms
- judicial 1864
- innocent until proven guilty
- judges given better pay and training
- JOPs replaced every 3 years, given no political power
- free reporting of cases
- education 1863 - 1864
- unis given the rights to govern themselves, and were placed under zemstva jurisdiction
- primary and secondary education extending as funding increased
- censorship 1858-1870
- relaxation on printed works and commentaries
- military 1874-1875
- conscription from 21 for 15 years active service
- improved structure meaning less harsh punishments, and better training as more modern equipment was used
- literacy improved due to campaigns in 70s and 80s
- local gov 1864-1870
- zemstva set up to improve public services, voted through electoral colleges
- judicial 1864
- opposition
- terrorism
- offered no alternative, so had little support
- land and liberty
- peoples will
- left wing terrorists, socialists, overthrow the Tsar
- black partition
- non violent, socialists, weakened by arrests
- peoples will
- radical thinking spread through relaxation of censorship laws
- narodniks
- intelligentsia, wanted advancement of peasant communities
- terrorism
- later years
- failed assassination attempts led to a more repressive regime and show trials from third section
- loris melikov got rid of third section and replaced with okrahana
- reactionary
- failed assassination attempts led to a more repressive regime and show trials from third section
- alexander 3rd (1881-1894)
- anti-Semitism
- legislation
- limit on alcohol sales, adoption of christian names, purchase of property, and education managed by quotas
- pogroms 1881-1884
- jews rapes murdered, property burnt or destroyed. reasons unknown, little was done to stop
- legislation
- counter reforms
- 1889 land captain judicial superiority in towns
- electorate changed to limit peasant influence
- 1882 statute on surveillance, agents provocateurs, okrahana
- 1887 closed court sessions
- 1889 volost under land captains
- education in hands of church, and lowest classes only allowed primary education
- 21% literate 1897
- censorship to enforce russification, and "temporary restrictions" on newspapers, allowing for life bans on publishers and publishes.
- russification
- all the tsars subjects into a single Russian identity
- use of russian language was forced
- russian coinage implemented
- 1892 polish parliament reorganised
- 1883 restrict ukrainian language
- 1888, 332 disturbances
- all the tsars subjects into a single Russian identity
- witte
- finance minister 1893-1903. tied rouble to gold standard, prospering as a way to curb revolt, helped ownership of railway increase to 60%, made russia the 4th largest industrial power, author of 1905 october manifesto
- vyshnegradsky
- finance minister 1887-1892. we shall not eat we shall export, grain exports rose 18%, balanced the budget- 1892 in surplus. import tax 30% of value of raw material. foreign invest ment +200%
- opposiiton
- social revolutionaries, terrorism, reform from below
- social democrats split in 1903
- bolsheviks
- seize power asap, but were minority
- mensheviks
- use propaganda, dont lead rev
- bolsheviks
- zemstva
- demanded more power
- middle class
- unprecedented, potential threats
- liberals
- modernisation, 1904 UoL demanded democracy
- great famine 1891-1892
- 350,000+ dead
- poor harvests and dry weather, early winter along with vyshnegradsky's policies
- no adequate support, zemstva become more popular
- 17/39 provinces affected
- anti-Semitism
- nicholas 2nd (1894-1917)
- russo-japanese war
- attack at port arthur forces russia to surrender, lost their main fleet
- battle at mukden 90000 dead
- treaty of portsmouth ends war, concessions to japan
- united in anti-japanese nationalism
- humiliation, not as powerful as they thought
- 1905 revolution
- october manifesto
- duma established, and civic freedom
- why
- poor harvest and lack of resources
- poor living working conditions
- food shortages
- wasted money on r-j war
- bloody sunday
- father gapon, 150000 strikers, 12000 troops to break up
- october manifesto
- dumas
- 2 (1907)
- stolypin replaces goremykin
- illegal powers for reform, weren't ratified, so dissolved by stolypin
- autocracy in democracy?
- fake assassination plot of tsar
- left wing, nobility dominated
- 3 (1907-1912)
- submissive, confronted tsar tho
- 90% leg. approved
- suspended 2x in 1911
- disputes over stolypin reforms, primary education, naval staff
- 4 (1912-1914)
- kokovtsov after stolypin assassinated
- influence declined
- docile
- workers strikes as they took no action
- 1 (1906)
- radical liberal, boycotted by B, SR, right, URP (33% peasant)
- witte resigns, replaced by goremykin
- demands: no death penalty, male suffrage, reform civil service (finland)
- dissolved by tsar
- 2 (1907)
- development by 1914
- developed
- 60% literacy rate
- 1912 health insurance, and expansion of health services
- economy grew 8% annually
- 4th largest industrial power
- 4th largest coal producers 35 million tonnes
- +2300 factories, +400000 workers
- revenue doubled, and investments into light industry
- investment x9 in 20 years
- 10 years compulsory education
- undeveloped
- 80% peasant pop, 40% without running water
- poor living conditions, 40% inflation
- inconsistent development
- unemployment rose as population increased by 40mil
- lena goldfields
- no unions, 3 million strikes
- developed
- opposition
- congress of the social democratic workers party
- 2nd
- centralised vs work with other groups
- 1st
- change from working men
- 2nd
- trade unions
- 497 closed down and 600 denied reg.
- failed to gain a large power base
- liberals appeased by tsars concessions
- pravda becomes popular
- wholly ineffective as the war swept patriotic fervour
- congress of the social democratic workers party
- ww1
- shortage of munition
- 2 rifles for 3 soldiers, limited to 2-3 shells per day (1914&1915)
- 1.5 desertions 1916
- spending x10 1914-1918
- production slumped, locomotive production halved, so food was left to rot as couldnt be transported
- 1917, 180,000 strikes due to starvation and 300% increase in cost of living
- nicholas was not concerned, evidence in letters
- tsarina spy?
- 1917 revolution
- 100,000 workers on strike, uproar as bread rations announced
- locked out of putilov iron works
- womens day 240,000 marching
- nicholas dismisses telegram, and only after mutiny breaks out with military does he try to accept but its too late
- 12 man provis. comittee set up
- agrees to demands, but abdication is already finalised, placed under house arrest
- order no1 of soldiers rights agreed upon
- russo-japanese war
- dual power
- aims
- amnesty for political prisoners, civil liberties and the right to strike and unionise
- constituent assembly, and abolition of disability based off religion, nationality, class
- why did they fail?
- real wages dropped and prices increased. 1917 755% of those in 1914
- desertions continued even though they tried to punish
- 365,000 between march and may 1917
- wanted an all out effort to win the war which annoyed people
- retraction of civil rights as they allowed the dismissal of striking workers
- delayed elections, people thought they were trying to preserve their own power
- kornilov coup
- kornilov ordered troops to crush soviets and initiate a military dictatorship, kerensky panics and releases and arms bolsheviks. arrested.
- disillusionment benefitted bolsheviks
- july days, rise in grain prices and loss of 100,000 jobs led to marches demanding soviets take power
- aims
- alexander 2nd (1856-1881)
- land and liberty
- peoples will
- left wing terrorists, socialists, overthrow the Tsar
- black partition
- non violent, socialists, weakened by arrests
- peoples will
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