Advantages and Disadvantages of the Rules
- Created by: AmyCoo15
- Created on: 08-05-16 08:48
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- Rules Ad and Disad
- Literal
- Advantage
- Respects parliamentary soverignty
- Separation of powers
- Highlights problems with the act
- Disadvantage
- Absurd Decisions
- Unjust
- Assumes perfection
- Advantage
- Golden
- Advantage
- Avoids absurdity
- Ensures fairness
- Respects exact words
- Disadvantage
- Uncertainty
- Rarely used
- Too much power
- Advantage
- Mischief
- Advantage
- Avoids absurdity
- Promotes Flexibilty
- Prefered
- Disadvantage
- Out of date
- Not easy to determine the remedy
- Update legislation
- Too much power
- Advantage
- Purposive
- Advantage
- Interpret EU Law
- Abides intentions
- Lord Denning
- Disadvantage
- Uncertain
- Too much power
- Undemocratic
- Not elected
- Advantage
- Literal
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