Research methods
- Created by: becky_abington
- Created on: 07-11-19 09:30
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- Research methods
- Questionnaires
- Quick and cheap
- Gathers large amounts of data
- Few ethical problems
- detached from the subject
- Lying or Hawthorne effect
- low response rates
- Structured interviews
- easy to train
- High response rates
- representative due to large numbers
- closed ended questions can restrict answers
- less numbers than questionnaires
- people can lie/exaggerate
- Unstructured interviews
- develop a relationship
- open ended questions - exploratory
- flexible
- practicalities - time consuming, small sample
- reliability - impossible to replicate - each is unique
- cant be quantified - can't count up results
- Participant Observation
- Overt
- Few ethical problems
- Can take note openly
- check insights
- Hawthorne effect
- May refuse to be observed
- Covert
- Won't alter peoples behaviour
- Physical harm
- Reliant on memory when taking notes
- Have to keep up an act
- Overt
- Questionnaires
- Advantages
- Disadvantages
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