Routes to excellence
- Created by: b2e5n14
- Created on: 25-11-20 15:11
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- Routes to excellence
- World class programme
- World Class Podium
- Chance of medal in 4 years
- Next games
- World Class Podium Potential
- Chance of medal in 8 years
- 2 games time
- World Class Podium
- Talent identification
- Phases 2 and 3
- Further physical assessment
- Lifestyle workshops
- Medical screening
- Psych workshops
- Movement analysis
- Behavioural workshops
- Further physical assessment
- Phase 1
- Analysis of training
- Generic skills testing
- Review of comp history
- Final conformation
- Continually assessed
- Train for up to 12 months
- If unsuccessful
- Stay in lower part of system
- Move out
- Phases 2 and 3
- Role of UK sport
- Attracts global events
- Improves efficiency and organisation
- Assists performers in the process
- Talent identification
- Manages TASS
- Talented Athlete Scholarship Schemes
- Promotes ethical behaviour
- Invests in athletes and NGBs
- National institutes of sport (NIS)
- Each county has own institutes
- Provides technologicalhelp
- Sports science
- Work with athletes and coaches
- Improve quality of coaching
- Improve quality of performance
- Role of NIS
- Science/ medical staff
- Biomechanic
- World class facilities
- Technologicalequipment
- Science/ medical staff
- Sport talent schemes
- discoveryour power
- Cysclists
- Power athletes
- Tall and Talented
- Basketball focused
- Men taller than 6'3
- Women taller than 5'11
- discoveryour power
- World class programme
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