Root tip squash- core practical
- Created by: Emling
- Created on: 22-03-19 09:40
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- Root tip squash- Core Practical
- There are no variables for this core practical as you are observing mitosis. Nothing will affect this (in terms of what causes it or stops it) it is just observation
- Apparatus
- Garlic roots
- Hydrochloric acid
- Toluidine blue
- Distilled water
- Test tubes
- Pipet
- Tweezers
- Scaple
- White tile
- Microscope
- Method
- 1. Cut the very ends of the garlic root off with a scaple
- 2. Place the root tips into 2cm cubed of hydrochloric acid in a test tube
- 3. Place test tubes in a 60 degree water bath for 5 minutes so cell walls soften
- 4. Take roots out of acid and rinse in cold water
- 5. Place tips on microscope slide
- 6. Gently break up the root tip to spread the cells out on slide
- 7. Add a drop of toluidine blue to the cells and mop up excess with paper towel
- 8. Place on cover slip and view under microscope
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