Romeo and Juliet Themes Mindmap (with analysis and quotes)
- Created by: emilyc1209
- Created on: 17-11-21 18:50
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- Romeo and Juliet Themes
- Conflict
- "I must love a loathed enemy"
- Shows Juliet's inner conflict as she recognises the fact her fate (theme) is to marry Romeo but also recognises the problems with this. Also shows how she recognises how detrimental this will be to her family and her relationship with them
- "Do you bite your thumb at us sir?"
- Repetition as its repeated back and forth, mimics heartbeat, could be representative of heartbeat pre fight, showing Abraham's immediate preparedness to fight
- "I must love a loathed enemy"
- Love
- "Either thou or I or both must go with him"
- Shows Romeo's loyalty to the people he loves and how he's willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for them. He's willing to fight to the death for these people, implies he will do anything for them.
- "O happy dagger"
- Juxtaposition exemplifies how deep his love for Juliet is as he's willing to leave his entire life and die just to be with her again. Juxtaposition between connotations of happy and dagger illustrates Romeo's excitement at being reunited reunited with Juliet even if he has to do die to do it
- "Either thou or I or both must go with him"
- Male Aggression
- "Either thou or I or both must go with him"
- Shows Romeo's stereotypical masculine behaviours of a man in his era, immediately reacting to a negative emotion with violence, lack of rational thought. Shows his ineptitude of dealing with negative emotions healthily, again linking to stereotypes
- "I hate the word as I hate hell"
- Shows his violent nature as he hates the idea of being a peaceful person, rejecting any slightly feminine stereotypes, reinforcing the masculine stereotypes relating to violent natures
- "Either thou or I or both must go with him"
- Fate
- "I am fortune's fool"
- Shows Romeo's decreasing faith in fate. He recognises the control it has over him. It is a direct reference to the prologue where the audience learn about Romeo and Juliet's tragic ending. It reinforces to the audience the importance of fate in the play and brings it back to the forefront of their mind
- Contextual Link: the idea of fate would've appealed to a 16th century audience, similarly to religion
- "star crossed lovers"
- Semantic field of fate throughout entire play could imply the lack of control humans have over their own actions
- "I am fortune's fool"
- Conflict
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