Romeo Mindmap
- Created by: janeece_hylton
- Created on: 16-01-17 20:10
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- Romeo
- Personality
- Passionate
- When Romeo falls for a character, it is all he talks about e.g Rosaline at the start of the play
- On his first encounter with Juliet, Romeo declares he will marry her
- Headstrong
- Romeo is determined to avenge Mercutio (by killing Tybalt)
- Romeo convinces himself that the poison will only do him good
- Changeable
- Romeo is obsessed with Rosaline, them he moves on to a new lover quickly
- Naïve
- Romeo is obsessed with Rosaline, them he moves on to a new lover quickly
- Naïve
- Peaceful
- Passionate
- Quotations
- "Feather of lead, bright smoke, cold fire, sick health " Act 3
- Juxtaposition establishes Romeos conlflicted emtions and mind state
- Confusion felt by Romeo (about emotions) felt by audience with opposite ideas
- "O, I am fortune's fool!" Act 3
- After killing Tybalt he realises he has behaved wrongly
- Fortune = irony, misfortune would be more apt
- Reveals Romeo only sees reason too late
- "Immortal Blessing" Act 3
- Ironic- both characters end up dead
- Suicide is a sin in the eyes of Christianity-> characters to go to hell
- Romeo is wrong in both cases emphasises how naïve he is
- "thus with a kiss, I die" Act 5
- This draws the audience in as they know the truth and Romeo doesn't
- Shakespeare is clarifying that love is destructive
- "Feather of lead, bright smoke, cold fire, sick health " Act 3
- Ideas
- Context
- young marriage wasn't unheard of
- Shakespear uses Romeo to reinforce the difference between LOVE and INFATUATION
- Context
- Personality