- Created by: jessllukes
- Created on: 04-05-15 13:40
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- Role of the fool
- Provides the audience with insight
- Warning to James I
- "This cold night will turn us all to fools" METAPHO for James I rein i.e little hope
- CONTEXT Less that 2 months before KL performed, James gave speech urging the descision to unify Scotland and England. This evoked distrustfulness in the jacobean people of james.
- Also rumoured to not be distributing the wealth in a rightful way.
- CONTEXT Less that 2 months before KL performed, James gave speech urging the descision to unify Scotland and England. This evoked distrustfulness in the jacobean people of james.
- "This cold night will turn us all to fools" METAPHO for James I rein i.e little hope
- Makes audience consider who the fool really is
- "Truth's a dog must to a kennel he must be whipped out, when the lady brach may stand by the fire and stink" WHIPPED = pun
- (Society banishes and punishes people for telling the truth)
- "Truth's a dog must to a kennel he must be whipped out, when the lady brach may stand by the fire and stink" WHIPPED = pun
- Evokes feelings of pathos is audience by referring to lear as if he were family
- "nuncle" connotations of an affectionate family relationship - Lear calls out to him on heath and considers the fools suffering. In return the fool remails steadfastly loyal
- CATHARSIS pity comes from the idea that audience feels pity for these tragic heroes who aren't bad people but ones who through their own fatal flaw (hubris) suffer
- Warning to James I
- Provides Lear with insight: voice of conscience/ alter-ego
- Initially extremely critical of Lear 'bitter fool'
- "dost thou call me a fool, boy?"// "All thy other titles thou hast given away; that thou wast born with"
- Never punished for what he says "all-licensed"
- "dost thou call me a fool, boy?"// "All thy other titles thou hast given away; that thou wast born with"
- Helps Lear to understand the true worth of people: emotional vs financial worth
- "Though hadst little wit in thy bald crown when thou gavest thy golden one away" Metaphore
- "then poor Cordelia" [CORDELIA]
- Opens Lears eyes to sycophance
- "Nuncle, The hedge sparrow fed the cuckoo so long That it's had it head bit off by its young" Illustration of ingratitude
- CRITICS: some believe it was actually the fools endless harping that drove him mad...most believe however he serves a positive function.
- "Nuncle, The hedge sparrow fed the cuckoo so long That it's had it head bit off by its young" Illustration of ingratitude
- Initially extremely critical of Lear 'bitter fool'
- Relieves tension (comic relief)
- Flipiant remark about poor Tom's clothing "Nay, he reserved a blanket, else we had been all shamed"
- Animal imagery: Thou bor'st thine ***" Pun Ie. Donkey
- CONTEXT: reffering to fable of old man who was worried about overloading his *** so he carried him.
- Intro
- CONTEXT: Jesters often kept by monarch to provide witty analysis of contemporary behaviour and to remind the sovereign of his humanity - Lears food fulfils this role
- Fool plays a number of roles: truth teller, insight provider and a vehicle for comic relief
- Provides the audience with insight
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