Role of Gorbachev- end of the Cold War
- Created by: Georgia Ivy
- Created on: 18-04-15 14:00
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- Role of Gorbachev
- New Thinking
- needed to end the Cold war due to poor economy and living standards
- needed to end tensions before he could embark on the perestroika needed at home
- Link between foreign and domestic policy
- refused to accept the Cold war was 'normal conditions of international relations'
- Policies
- was a policy that called for increased openness and transparency in government and activities in the Soviet Union.
- gave the EE communist satellite states the freedom to choose their own political system
- was a political movement for reformation within the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
- Ending the Brezhnev Doctrine
- Chernenko's funeral 1985- told EE leaders his intentions to give them autonomy
- Dec 1988 speech rejected Marxism-Leninism and formally abandoned BD
- gave the EE communist satellite states the freedom to choose their own political system
- Eastern Europe Bloc and People Power
- allowed satellite states to hold free elections without intervention
- April 1989- each country 'should find its own path to socialism'
- Encouraged Krenz to open Berlin Wall
- Turning point- countries such as Czechoslovakia and Romania encouraged to reform by Gorbachev's liberal stance
- Irony being that he was a reformer and not a revolutionary
- expected EE to choose socialism. Misjudged the popular desire for Capitalism
- Transformed relations with USA
- Common security
- spoke at 'Forum for a Nuclear-Free World and the Survival of Humankind' international conference
- different language from previous leaders
- 'not rivalry and competition'
- 'interdependence'
- different language from previous leaders
- Built trust with Reagan and Thatcher
- 'A man I can do business with' -Thatcher
- Pugwash movement and Palme commission
- spoke at 'Forum for a Nuclear-Free World and the Survival of Humankind' international conference
- Nuclear Arms control and the end of Zero Sum thinking
- 1986 Reykjavik
- happy to make concessions on INF deal (1987)
- Oka rockets (outside of 500-5000km range)
- happy to make concessions on INF deal (1987)
- made far more concessions than Reagan and therefore more of a key figure
- similar to Nixon at SALT, Reagan tried to maintain advantage
- refusal to give up SDI as part of arms treaty
- similar to Nixon at SALT, Reagan tried to maintain advantage
- agreed to START agreement which reduced nuclear arsenals to 30%
- 1986 Reykjavik
- Common security
- abandoned Third World expansion
- withdrew forces from Afghanistan (1989)
- reduced Soviet troops in EE by 500,000
- Ended aid to Ethiopia, Vietnam, Cambodia
- New Thinking
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