role of readers and audiences

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  • what role do readers and audience play in historical practice and writing
    • INTRO - readers and audiences - recognises how the medium of history and how it interacts with the public is changing - from walter scott to bridgerton, despite some (Ranke and Bury) saying need to focus on science, the importance of readers and audiences is undeniable
      • important to recognise the relationship and interaction can affect history produced, therefore this essay will investigate the role readers and audiences play in historical practie and writing
    • internet - 2 way more recipricol
      • more democratic way of understanding history - more democratic participation e.g. VR etc - Ann Rigney - 116
    • film and audiences
      • able to convey serious history too - not just for entertainment and money (Rosenstone pg2)
      • a huge way in which people understand the past - argues against the claim that history can only be told thru words on a page - 6, diff ways of repping the past - 8
    • make this as a big introductory paragraph... emplotment and immersion
      • commercial history means writing for an audience - use of mimetic device to represent hsitory (Anne Rigney 101)
      • greater emphasis on immersivity than emplotment - can participate in the past vicariously - H. White 86
      • encode strange events into culturally coded categories
      • means have to make history interesting and understandable to a wider audience
        • but also splits history into public and expert? - Ann Rigney 111
      • interdisciplinary mimetic device - Ann Rigney - 101


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