- Created by: sophiehewitt02
- Created on: 26-09-16 17:51
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- Rivers
- water cycle
- inputs
- precipitation-water moves from oil to rocks.
- stores
- intereption-water vapour consensus into rain.
- soil & moisture-water stored in the soil
- ground water-water stored in the rocks deep underground.
- surface storage
- transfers
- surface runoff-water moves across the surface of the earth.
- infiltration-water socks into the soil.
- through flow-water moves downhill through the soil.
- percolation-water moves from the soil and into rock deep underground.
- groundwater flow-water moves slowly through the soil and rocks back to sea.
- evaporation-water is transformed from seawater into water vapour in the atmosphere.
- condensation-water changing from ages to a liquid.
- stem flow-water flowing sown steams and trunks of plants and trees.
- outputs
- river discharge
- transpiration-water vapour lost from vegetation.
- mail channel-flowing to lakes and oceans.
- inputs
- drainage basin
- source-where drops of water join to start a river.
- tributary-a small river or stream that joins to a bigger river.
- confluence-the point where two rivers meeting join.
- river channel-the main body of water.
- mouth-the place where the river flows in to the sea.
- drainage basin-area of land that is drained by a river and tribtarys.
- water cycle
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